How to Add Protein in your Diet

How to Add Protein in your Diet

Proteins are essential molecules for the development and maintenance of our body's tissues, whether they be our muscles, skin, nails, hair or our internal organs, so adding them into our diet is essential, necessary and useful. They are considered to be one of the essential substances for our body, since they also generate hormones and help us protect our body. Therefore, protein foods are essential for all those who do physical exercise and want to increase their muscle mass. If you go to the gym you should start increasing your intake of these foods; therefore, at OneHowTo we show you how to add protein in your diet. Choose protein foods that best suit you and you will notice their benefits.

Steps to follow:

First you should know that proteins consist of up to 22 kinds of amino acids. While our body is able to generate non-essential amino acids (up to 13 different ones), we need to eat protein foods to get the rest. A lack of protein can cause various deficiencies: from muscle loss or weakening of the skin, nails and hair, to lower resistance and energy, or a slower recovery to disease or infection.


In addition, you should also know that excess protein in our body can also be harmful. Although this substance is essential for the development and maintenance of our vital organs, eating them in excess can cause metabolic changes in our bodies and influence our neuronal functions, which can lead to us to suffer from cardiovascular and respiratory failure. Therefore, we have to know how to make proteins part of our diet and what are the best foods to provide our body with these substances in a balanced way.


As we have mentioned before, if you want to gain muscle mass or have started to do physical exercises, eating protein is basic and essential. You can get protein naturally, i.e. through food such as meat or fish, or through chemical products such as shakes, which you can find in any pharmacy.


Opting to eat proteins through natural products is undoubtedly the best choice. The best foods for this are meats, especially poultry and beef, fish, eggs or lactose-rich products. Out of these, the most common options are to eat soya, whey or even egg whites. If you increase the amount of these foods in your diet you will increase your body mass and maintain, define, emphasis or tone your muscles, while losing fat. A real treat!


Among the chemical options, you will find numerous protein powders that work great as smoothies. While some are unflavored, you'll find others in strawberry, vanilla or chocolate flavors. Ask at your gym, in pharmacies or specialist fitness stores before using them.


Knowing how to get enough protein will help you increase your body mass without taking it to extremes. To do this, you have to do a simple calculation: eat about 2 grams of protein per kilo of your body weight. The total amount of protein should be spread out over the possible meals and smoothies that you can have in a day. Remember, this rule is valid and effective for all people who have 12% body fat. This rule can vary depending on each athlete, so we recommend you contact a specialist doctor or a nutritionist to give you suitable dietary guidelines.


Even if they seem silly, it is important to pay attention to the following tips if you want the protein foods that you are eating to be more effective. Resting your muscles, relaxing and getting enough sleep are key factors if you want your tissues to recover properly, especially after doing intensive training.


Also, don't forget to watch your diet closely and include all those protein foods (eggs and meat to a greater extent). Remember also to eat proteins even if you aren't doing any physical exercise, only then will you be able to maintain your muscle mass. Of course, on the days when you have no training, you can reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats. As for the shakes, it is best to take them after each workout, as a way to recover.

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