Raspberry sauce

Recipe for red currant sauce

Alice T Breeze
By Alice T Breeze. Updated: January 16, 2017
Recipe for red currant sauce
Image: claudiarossicatering.com

Red currant sauce is an excellent option to season practically any dish. If you have a special meal with friends, or still don't know what to cook for New Year's Eve, red currant sauce is perfect, as its preparation isn't too complicated and it will capture you. You only need your favorite currants, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, red wine if children aren't going to eat any, and the spices we'll tell you about next if you want to give it a unique and special touch. If you like the idea and want to learn this recipe for red currant sauce, keep on reading this oneHowTo.com article and discover the step-by-step.

low difficulty


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Steps to follow:


The first thing you need to do is to choose your favorite red currants. You can choose strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, etc. , as long as they don't weigh more than half a kilo (1.1 lb) together. This is the ideal quantity so you don't get excess flavour or on the contrary, lack of flavour.

Recipe for red currant sauce - Step 1
Image: carasgrafica.es

Now you know which red currants you want, it's time to start making the sauce. Cut the bigger currants, such as strawberries, and heat them in a pan on low heat. Stir with a wooden spoon so they don't stick.

Recipe for red currant sauce - Step 2
Image: cookandfood.com

When the currants have heated up, start adding 1 spoonful of balsamic vinegar for every 2 spoonfuls of water until the currants are covered. If you don't like balsamic vinegar, you can use orange juice, which also gives a delicious taste. Leave it on low heat for 5 minutes approximately, without stirring.


Now, bring the heat up a touch and add half a glass of red wine to the currant sauce. To scent the sauce, add cinnamon, badian and a laurel leaf. Although these ingredients are not strictly necessary, we recommend using them as they give the best flavour.

Recipe for red currant sauce - Step 4
Image: aprendeacatarvino.com

When the liquid has consumed, pour the other half of the glass of wine and the brown sugar.Set the heat back to the minimum and keep stirring. The quantity of red wine can vary according to your taste, if you want the taste to be more intense, add more, but reduce it if you don't want it as tasty. If children are going to taste it, we recommend you considerably reduce quantities or forget about the red wine in the recipe.


With a spoon, crush the currants or, if you like them whole, leave them as they are. Leave the sauce on low heat until there is more than half a finger in liquid, then take off the heat. If you don't like lumps or seeds in currants, you can beat the sauce and sieve it.


And it's ready! You have your currant sauce ready to be served. This sauce is ideal for roasts or to give a different touch to your turkey. It's also perfect for dessert, as it's ideal with cheesecake or chocolate pudding.

Recipe for red currant sauce - Step 7
Image: campoanibal.com

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Image: claudiarossicatering.com
Image: carasgrafica.es
Image: cookandfood.com
Image: aprendeacatarvino.com
Image: campoanibal.com
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Recipe for red currant sauce