Making pancakes

How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: September 25, 2024
How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk

We all love some delicious pancakes for breakfast! No matter if you are lactose intolerant or vegan, you should know that there are ways of enjoying pancakes! It's just a matter of changing these key ingredients for others in the correct measure, it's easier than you may think. So, keep on reading this OneHowTo article if you want to know how to make pancakes without eggs or milk.

2 diners Between 15 & 30 minutes low difficulty


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Steps to follow:


If you want to make pancakes without eggs or milk, you should know that it's as simple as changing butter for vegan margarine and adding some extra water or soy milk instead of the dairy milk. Added in the quantities we suggest, you can make a batch of six delicious pancakes.


The first step will be to sift and blend all of the dry ingredients, that is to say the flour, baking powder, sugar (if using it) and salt.

How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk - Step 2

Now it's time to pour the rest of the ingredients into a well made with the dry ones. Pour half the amount of soy milk, and the margarine (previously melted) or oil and the maple syrup and vanilla essence if you have chosen to use them.

Mix together and slowly pour the rest of the soy milk while stirring until you get a thick consistency.

How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk - Step 3

Grease a small amount of margarine or oil on the pan and heat on medium heat. Once heated, you should pour approximately one quarter of a cup each time you make a pancake, though this can be modified according to taste.

How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk - Step 4

Flip the pancake and cook until it has turned golden. Remove from the heat and you're ready to go! Make as many as the dough allows you to. Top up with some extra maple syrup if you like or make it healthier and add some cut up strawberries, blueberries or banana to make it even more delicious!

How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk - Step 5

If you liked these vegan pancakes, you can also take a look at this other delicious vegan-friendly recipe: Easy flapjacks

If you want to read similar articles to How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk, we recommend you visit our Recipes category.


  • Though you can use the same amount of water instead of soy milk, the result isn't as tasty.
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How To Make Pancakes Without Eggs Or Milk