Chili, you will find practical information written by experts about chili in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
3 articles
Serrano pepper, the 2 inches long green pepper ranges 10,000 to 25,000 in the Scoville heat index. But what’s life without a little chili? The main problem arises not when we are having peppers in a meal but rather during prepping peppers for the meal. A few tips can save your hands from burning due to...
While shopping for veggies people often confuse between Serrano pepper and jalapeno pepper. Since their size and look are quite similar they can be substituted for one another. But while substituting Serrano or jalapeno you must keep one thing in mind that their hotness meter is quite different. Serrano...
medium difficulty
Hot pepper in olive oil is a very ancient preservation technique which preserves the flavor of peppers along with enhancing it as the pepper ages. The jar of pepper infused olive oil usually comes in handy when suddenly guests appears and demands a lovely hot meal. Beside if you have your own kitchen...