Recipes for Appetizers & Starters
Recipes for appetizers & starters, you will find practical information written by experts about recipes for appetizers & starters in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
11 articles

low difficulty
low difficulty
Maybe it's a cynical ploy to make more money at the concessions, but there seem to be an ever-increasing amount of options of popcorn flavors at movie theaters. Gone are the limited days of salted or sweet. Now we can find all kinds of popcorn flavors with more being developed all the time. In many respects,...

Cheese is a staple ingredient in many dishes around the world. Food items made with cheese taste are not only delicious, but are healthy and look great too! There are many different types of cheeses, each with their own taste and texture. When making cheese however, one thing always remains the same,...

low difficulty
low difficulty
No trip to KFC would be worth it without gravy. It's liquid gold as far as we're concerned. And of course, what's best to go with it than those deliciously whipped mashed potatoes. That's why oneHOWTO has this KFC mashed potatoes and gravy recipe. It's delicious, but it's not exactly the healthiest dish...

low difficulty
Macadamia is a tree species which is indigenous to Australia. It is commercially grown for its nuts. Macadamia nuts are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other nutrients. They are also an excellent source of mono-saturated fatty acid (lowers bad cholesterol) and dietary fiber. Along...

medium difficulty
medium difficulty
A Halal snack pack, short form HSP, is a genial pile of sauces, chips and kebab meat. It consists of halal certified doner kebab, typically beef or lamb, chips, and sauces like chili, barbecue and garlic. Jalapeno peppers, yogurt, hummus and cheese may also be added for some extra flavor. Although it...

medium difficulty
Cheese curd is a fresh curd of cheese that has a mild flavor. It is as firm as cheese, but is a little rubbery and springy in texture. Fresh curd has the property of squeaking against your teeth when you bite into it. Some varieties of this cheese are white or cream in color, while some may have an orange...

low difficulty
low difficulty
Nachos is a typical Mexican dish and can be accompanied by numerous sauces, although one of the most common recipes is to make cheesy nachos with that typical melted cheese sauce we all enjoy with that characteristic orange color. Melted cheddar cheese is normally used to achieve such color, along with...

medium difficulty
When curing olives, there are endless ways to prepare them and they're all delicious. In addition, you must first remove the bitterness that they have when they're first picked from the olive tree and this task can be accomplished in two ways: by soaking the olives and changing their water or by using...

medium difficulty
Croquettes or croquetas are a typical tapa in Spanish cuisine. They taste delicious, they are crispy and can be filled to taste of many other ingredients, such as chicken and ham, cheese, mushrooms, tuna and even spinach. Besides being tasty, they are simple to make and a great as an appetizer or as a...

medium difficulty
Croquettes are a typical Spanish homemade dish which you can eat as a starter or as a side to a main course. The best thing about croquettes is that you can make these with different ingredients, giving them originality and uniqueness in flavour. Chicken croquettes are the most traditional, yet they...

low difficulty
If you want a recipe for a perfect starter or appetizer then cheese fingers or cheese sticks are ideal. This popular dish which is typical from American restaurants and bars is also a favourite for children, and now you do not need to leave the house to fully enjoy it. Ready to surprise everyone with this...