
How to Make Cardamom Tea

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Make Cardamom Tea

Enjoy all the properties of cardamom by drinking a daily infusion made with this natural ingredient. Cardamom is a spice commonly used in India to take advantage of its medicinal benefits as well as its aphrodisiac effects, as stated in the Kamasutra and in "The Arabian Nights". In OneHowTo we explain that there are different ways to prepare an infusion made from this ingredient according depending on its desired use. Take note on how to make cardamom tea depending on the use you want to give it.

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Steps to follow:


Cardamom has many medicinal properties, these focus mainly on improving the digestive system and the assimilation of food. With a cardamom infusion you can treat stomach aches, gastritis, heartburn, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Moreover, it is also used in the field of dental hygiene to protect teeth enamel and prevent bad breath.

Depending on the use you want to give the cardamom it is recommended that you take one infusion or other; therefore, in OneHowTo we will detail the different cardamom infusions what can prepare.

How to Make Cardamom Tea - Step 1

To improve digestion we recommend a cardamom tea with anise and ginger, this will makes the stomach work better and have less heavy digestions. To prepare this drink you need:

  • 1/2 litre of water
  • 3 crushed cardamoms
  • 2 slices of peeled ginger
  • 1 aniseed
  • Honey (optional)

To prepare you just have to heat water and when it starts to boil you add all the ingredients; if you want to give it a tasty twist you can add a mint leaf. Let sit for 10 minutes, then strain and drink once a day after eating; you will see how your digestions are easier.

How to Make Cardamom Tea - Step 2

Another use for a cardamom infusion is as a natural fat burner. To prepare this you just have to mix it with some ginger to help you lose weight, thus achieving a perfect drink to speed up your metabolism and destroy fat deposits.

For this you'll need:

  • 1/2 litre of water
  • 1 tablespoon cardamom
  • 1 tablespoon ginger
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • A pinch of pepper (optional)

To achieve weight loss with this infusion you will have to mix the plants in a half litre of water and bring to the boil, when boiling breaks add a stick of cinnamon and some pepper and boil all together for 5 minutes. When ready remove from heat, cover the pot and leave the infusion to brew for 15 minutes; then you can strain and drink it immediately.

If you are interested in losing weight and reducing your belly in OneHowTo we reveal the best belly reducing infusions so you get better intestinal transit and a smoother tummy.

How to Make Cardamom Tea - Step 3

You can also take cardamom tea to relieve gas and reduce tummy swelling. To do so combine with anise, licorice root and cinnamon sticks, equally dissolved in a 1/2 liter of water. You will have to put it all together and boil for about 5 minutes and then let this infusion sit covered for 5 minutes. It is advisable to drink this hot and after each meal to reduce gases and have lighter digestions.

How to Make Cardamom Tea - Step 4

Another use that you can give cardamom tea is as a natural detoxifier. To do this you will also need the benefits of turmeric, as this is one of the Indian spices that works best to cleanse the body from within; we can also add some ginger to enhance intestinal cleansing.

The ingredients you need are:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 3 grains cardamom

The first thing is to boil the water and, as it starts to boil, remove from the heat. Add turmeric, cardamom and ginger and cover the container and leave to stand for 10 minutes. After that we only we have to strain the infusion and take it every day in the morning to boost its benefits in the body.

How to Make Cardamom Tea - Step 5

Although cardamom is a natural spice keep in mind that it is not suitable for everyone; you must avoid consuming this ingredient if you find yourself in one of the situations indicated below:

  • If you are taking anticoagulants or platelet anti-aggregating medication such as aspirin you should avoid taking cardamom because it can inhibit its effects.
  • Depending on the person, cardamom can cause allergic reactions including shortness of breath, chest or throat pains.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take cardamom.
  • If you are taking medicines to treat depression it is recommended you do not take cardamom because it can negate the effects of the medication.
How to Make Cardamom Tea - Step 6

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How to Make Cardamom Tea