Fruit & vegetables
Fruit & vegetables, you will find practical information written by experts about fruit & vegetables in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
9 articles

Whether you have an upcoming dinner party or simply want a refreshing piece of fruit, choosing the a ripe melon is key. If you choose incorrectly, your plans can go out the window. Santa Claus melons, otherwise known as Christmas melon or piel de sapo (toad skin melon), are some of the most delicious fruits...

Avocados are exceptional fruit. They are brilliant for many savory dishes, either as the main or complimentary ingredient. Not only are they delicious, but they are full of fiber and healthy monounsaturated fats. This helps us to fight cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as help improve brain function....

Avocados ripen after they are harvested, not before, so you can find them in the market at every stage of their ripening process. We all have bought a perfect-looking avocado only to come home and discover that under that perfect skin it's completely spoiled. On the other hand, some doubtful-looking avocados...

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Among the tropical fruits the soursop can be highlighted for offering incredible health benefits that promote both the smooth functioning of the digestive system and that of the kidneys and liver. In addition, numerous studies have linked it to the fight against cancer as it combats the development of...

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With the summer months comes watermelon season and all the benefits of getting hydrated by eating this refreshingly sweet fruit. Watermelon is one of the fruits with higher water content but is also a powerful source of Vitamin C, copper, potassium, magnesium and many other nutrients. You may eat the...

Rhubarb is a seasonal spring favorite featuring small flowers, triangular poisonous leaves and fleshy long edible stalks. In cooking, stalks are crisp like celery and have a tart, strong taste. Although rhubarb comes in the category of vegetables, it is usually prepared as a fruit. Most stalks are prepared...

Potatoes go well with almost any recipe, and they are an integral part of any kitchen. The best thing is that they have a long shelf life, even if you don’t refrigerate them. Most varieties can be stored as long as one month, but some may start getting bad within a week. How long you can keep your potatoes...

Artichokes are a very tasty food that can complement many of our dishes. However, they are a seasonal product, which makes it difficult to have them all year round. If you love this food and want to keep it longer, pay close attention to our tips.
In this oneHowTo article we explain how to freeze artichokes....

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There are many recipes and variations of guacamole as this traditional Mexican dip has become more and more popular in recent years. The problem comes when we don't eat the whole guacamole up. As you may already know, avocado usually goes brown after a day. Though it may not be something to keep for too...