Cooking cabbage

How To Make An Easy Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 23, 2017
How To Make An Easy Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin

To all those who love traditional vegetarian recipes, an excellent choice is to prepare Brussels sprouts au gratin as these are perfect for the whole family to enjoy the benefits of eating vegetables without this becoming a complicated task. This is a delicious and easy to prepare dish so take note of the next article where we explain how to make an easy Brussels sprouts au gratin in just a few simple steps.

low difficulty


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Steps to follow:


Before starting the preparation of these delicious Brussels sprouts it is important to clean them well. This means washing them with water and removing the dead leaves from the outside. While cleaning them put a pot of salted water to heat.

How To Make An Easy Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin - Step 1

Once you have thoroughly cleaned the sprouts put them aside until the water starts boiling and then add them to the pot and leave them to cook for 15 minutes. To find out if they are ready prod one with a knife, if soft it is time to remove them from the heat. Drain and put aside.


Once your Brussels sprouts are cooked turn the oven on to 200°C (392°F) to preheat. Start making the gratin sauce for this yummy dish. Wash the pepper and the onion and peel the latter ingredient, then cut them in julienne.

Add a splash of olive oil to a frying pan over a medium low heat, once hot add the vegetables and stir-fry until tender, which will take about 10 minutes.

How To Make An Easy Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin - Step 3

Take a previously oiled or greased dish and place the sprouts in the center, then place in the oven for 5 minutes. Now, while we wait for the sprouts to cook, add the cream and the cheese into the pan with the vegetables.

Cook for at least 5 minutes to thicken the sauce for your Brussels sprouts gratin.


Once the sauce is ready remove the sprouts from the oven, add the freshly prepared cream and sprinkle with cheese. Gratin lightly by switching on only the upper part of the oven at 200°C (392°F) for 10 minutes or until golden to your taste. Once ready take out of the oven and leave to stand 5 minutes before serving.

Quite simple. Now all you have to do is enjoy this classic Brussels sprouts gratin dish which is suitable for all your guests. And if you liked this recipe you do not miss out on how to make macaroni au gratin and cauliflower with béchamel au gratin. They are delicious!

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How To Make An Easy Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin