Fruit preserves

How to Make Homemade Fruit Preserves

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. January 17, 2017
How to Make Homemade Fruit Preserves

Making homemade preserves is a great way to save money on meals and to ensure that you're eating healthy, ecologically-friendly foods. Preserves, jams and jellies can accompany moremeals than you'd think, allowing for a wide variety of benefits. You'll be helping your wallet and diet in a delicious way.

If you make your own fruit preserves you'll discover how you to spend less money with not as much work as it may seem. Do you want to make affordable and satisfying desserts, cakes and breakfasts? Stay with us at oneHOWTO and learn how to make homemade fruit preserves. Your home economy will surely improve!

You may also be interested in: How to Seal Glass Jars to Preserve Food

Steps to follow:


In order to make homemade fruit preserves you should use only good-sized fruits; make sure they're fresh and ripe. It's best if the fruit is grown locally - and even better if you pick it yourself on the very day you get to work.

Even if it seems that the quality of the fruit doesn't matter as much when you're turning it into fruit preserves, jams or jellies, it actually does. If the fruit preserve tastes delicious you'll add less butter and other foods to improve the taste, so your diet will benefit.


Depending on the type of fruit you want to turn it into preserve, you'll need to wash it with fresh water or boil it with scalding hot water, letting it cool down later. Some fruits need to be peeled or chopped, while others are cooked whole. It really depends on the specific recipe.


Avoid pocked or battered fruits, as they will not go down well and may alter the taste of all the preserves. Sterilization can stop the development of harmful bacteria, but it's hard to "fix" damaged fruit. It's best to opt for healthy fruit, otherwise you'll lose flavor and overall quality.


Choose your fruits well: there are methods to check whether different fruits are ripe, but the smoothness, firmness and a pleasant fragrance are good indicators of freshness. Before buying the fruit, make sure it is ripe with great care so you do not to leave marks on sensitive skins.


Until recently, people only consumed the native fruits to their country and climate, and each fruit type was collected at a certain time of the year. Produce was seasonal, but fruit preserves were a great way to save specific delicate fruits - like berries or peaches - for later months. This is why the methods of homemade fruit preserve making are quite traditional.


Nowadays, exotic fruits have become part of our eating habits and have filled our fruit baskets. We can enjoy the freshness and vitamins of faraway fruits during all seasons, even if they remain a bit exclusive because of their price.

While traditional fruit preserves are still popular, we've become used to store-bought jams and jellies which have way too many preservatives. The bright side is that we've added foreign methods of preserving fruit to our cuisines, enriching them.


The answer to how to make homemade fruit preserves depends on the specific fruit you want. At oneHOWTO we have the following recipes - give them a try:

And don't forget to learn how to seal glass jars to preserve food.

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How to Make Homemade Fruit Preserves