
How many Grams are in a Spoonful of Sugar?

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: December 4, 2017
How many Grams are in a Spoonful of Sugar?

I'm sure you've used endless recipes that measure ingredients in spoonfuls, right? And that's when you start to wonder which spoon is the one you should use, after all you do have them in different sizes... Therefore, in most cases, it is more practical to add ingredients in quantities based on units of weight, such as grams. As with flour, sugar is one of those most common ingredients measured in spoons, so at OneHowto we show you how many grams are in a spoonful of sugar.

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Steps to follow:


If the recipe asks for a level spoonful of sugar, this is equivalent to 20 grams (0.7 oz). Thus, you can use a scale to measure the sugar you need more precisely. Measuring your ingredients by weight is the most precise measurement, as visual measurements can vary a lot.


When we are dealing with a heaped spoonful of sugar, this will be about 30 or 35 grams (1 oz or 1.2 oz), as 'heaped' here means heavy or large.

How many Grams are in a Spoonful of Sugar? - Step 2

But when our recipe asks us to add a small spoonful or teaspoon, it means you should add 5 grams of sugar (0.17 oz).


Although this is more commonly used to sprinkle for decoration, if you're want to know how many grams are in a spoonful of castor or icing sugar, it is the same as 1 level tablespoon or 15 grams (0.5 oz).

How many Grams are in a Spoonful of Sugar? - Step 4

These conversions will be useful, especially for dessert recipes as you can add in all ingredients in a more accurate way. You can also read similar articles about weight conversion by reading how many grams are in a cup.

If you want to read similar articles to How many Grams are in a Spoonful of Sugar?, we recommend you visit our Food & drink category.


  • The digital scales are always more accurate for weighing small amounts.
  • The digital scales are always more accurate for weighing small amounts.
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How many Grams are in a Spoonful of Sugar?