Ingredients to bake

How Many Grams Are There in a Spoonful of Flour

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: March 22, 2022
How Many Grams Are There in a Spoonful of Flour

When following a recipe, it is very common to hear or read the measurements given in tablespoons, this is a practical method that anyone at home can use. But sometimes we want to know the exact equivalent of that amount by referring it to another proportion. So at we explain how much a tablespoon of flour is in grams.

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Steps to follow:


If the recipe you're using tells you to add a tablespoon of all-purpose flour, this measurement equals 10 grams of flour, provided you use a level scoop.


If instead of a tablespoon it uses a teaspoon, this measurement equals approximately 3 grams. Again this applies to teaspoons of flour to the brim.


If instead of to the brim, you want to know how much a full tablespoon of flour is, the answer is approximately 20 grams.


Now you know how many grams equals one tablespoon of flour and can prepare your recipes more accurately for the most delicious results. You may also be interested in knowing how many grams are in a spoonful of sugar or how many grams is a cup .

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How Many Grams Are There in a Spoonful of Flour