Other wheat, flour and cereals

How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: July 11, 2024
How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter

Do you love the taste and texture of puff pastry, but are looking for a vegan or healthier option? The good news is, you don't have to settle for store-bought frozen puff pastry that often contains butter. This recipe shows you how to make delicious puff pastry entirely from scratch, with a simple swap. Instead of butter, we'll be using oil to create a flaky, layered dough that rivals its traditional counterpart.

With clear instructions and easy-to-find ingredients, this oneHOWTO article will explain how to make puff pastry without butter.

Between 45 & 60 minutes medium difficulty


You may also be interested in: Easy Desserts with Puff Pastry

Steps to follow:


Making delicious puff pastry without butter is easier than you think. While the general steps are similar to traditional puff pastry, we'll be swapping one key ingredient.

Firstly, grab a large bowl for comfortable mixing. Begin by sifting your flour into the bowl. Sifting helps aerate the flour, leading to a lighter and flakier final pastry.

How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter - Step 1

With the flour sifted and ready, let's incorporate the wet ingredients:

Gently press a well in the center of the flour using your fingertips. This creates a handy spot for the liquids.

Pour in the cold water. Aim for about 20 tablespoons, but add it gradually. You might not need the entire amount depending on the dryness of your flour.

Drizzle in the olive oil and add the salt. Start with a smaller amount of oil, around 2-3 tablespoons, as you can always add more if needed.

Use a spoon or your fingertips to gently mix the wet ingredients into the flour, starting from the center and gradually incorporating the flour from the sides.

Keep mixing until a shaggy dough forms and there are no visible dry flour pockets. Be careful not to overmix, as this can develop the gluten too much, leading to a tough pastry.

Be sure to read this other article if you want to know what to make with puff pastry sheets.

How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter - Step 2

Once you've mixed the ingredients with a spoon and a shaggy dough starts to form, it's time to switch to your hands for a smoother finish:

Gently transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface. Knead for a few minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. You might need to add a dusting of flour here and there to prevent sticking, but be mindful of adding too much as it can affect the flakiness.

Once kneaded, gently shape the dough into a ball. Aim for a smooth surface with no cracks.

Transfer the dough ball to a clean bowl. Cover it tightly with plastic wrap to prevent drying.

Now, here's a key step, refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes, but place it somewhere towards the back of the fridge, avoiding areas with extreme cold. This allows the dough to rest and relax the gluten without getting too firm.

How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter - Step 3

After the dough has chilled for 30 minutes, it's ready to be transformed.

Lightly dust a clean work surface with flour. This prevents sticking as you roll out the dough.

Using a rolling pin, gently roll out the dough into a large rectangle. Aim for an even thickness of about 1/4 inch (6mm).

For extra flakiness, you can perform a folding technique similar to traditional puff pastry. Here's a basic method:

  1. Gently fold the bottom third of the dough up towards the center.

  2. Then, fold the top third down to meet the bottom fold.

  3. Give the dough a quarter turn and repeat the rolling and folding process two more times.

  4. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for another 30 minutes.

Whether you choose to fold or not, preheat your oven to 150°C (302°F). Once ready, transfer the dough to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. You can use cookie cutters to create fun shapes, or simply cut squares for pastries.

Bake the puff pastry for 15 minutes at 150°C (302°F). Then, increase the oven temperature to 200°C (392°F) and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown and puffed.

Be sure to read this other article to learn how to make easy desserts with puff pastry.

How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter - Step 4

If you want to read similar articles to How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter, we recommend you visit our Food & drink category.


  • Some recipes use two tablespoons of milk too after mixing the dry ingredients, but if you are vegan then you shouldn't do so.
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What did you think of this recipe?
It says mineral water in the ingredients list and cold water in the method. Which works best please?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Lauren,

It means cold mineral water. You can use other water, but this is the best option for optimal flavor, but it needs to be cold for the dough to work.
Michelle Kulon
Thank you so much i need this ❤
"20 tablespoons"? Wtf is this?
Hi. I'm confused about something. Are you supposed to bake the dough first without any fillings?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Ash,

It's a good question, but generally yes you do bake the pastry first. This is known as ‘blind baking’. It will depend on what you are using as the filling, however and whether or not you need to cook the filling before adding it to the pastry to bake together. You don't want the pastry to burn while the filling is raw, especially when cooking meat pastries.
How much Olive Oil would you say? How do I know if the pastry has been rolled out enough or worked with enough before use?
OneHowTo Editor
The dough is ready when you get a homogeneous mixture and you make sure there aren't any bubbles.
On the other hand, the amount of olive oil will depend on how light you want the mixture, but one tablespoon will do.
I used 3/4 cup 2about 4 cups flour not measure....bleeding so roll out tomorrow n cook
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How To Make Puff Pastry Without Butter