Herbal tea

The Best Herbal Tea Latte Recipes

The Best Herbal Tea Latte Recipes

Milky tea isn't always, er, everyone's cup of tea. In fact if you've ever had a discussion with a friend or colleague about how they enjoy their favorite hot beverage, you'll know that how you take your tea is actually quite a personal choice. Particularly when it comes to tea or herbal tea. First off, there are so many herbal teas to choose from that picking a flavor alone can be a bit of a minefield. And when it comes to making the drink itself, some people feel herbal tea without milk can be overly bitter, and others feel milk ruins a good brew. The answer to this problem: the tea latte.

A tea latte is not just tea with a splash of milk. It's a tea that is strongly brewed - brewed long enough to capture the flavor but not enough to make it bitter, and then, hot steamed milk added, to give it a creamier, richer flavor. Any tea can be used to make a tea latte, green teas, herbal teas, black teas, they all work. But to save you the time of working your way through many many tea bags, we're going to give you the best herbal tea latte recipes - enjoy!

  1. London Fog tea latte (Earl Grey tea latte)
  2. Chai Tea Latte
  3. Matcha Green Tea Latte

London Fog tea latte (Earl Grey tea latte)

A classic British tea latte. We have added lavender for extra flavor but feel free to remove or add any extra flavors you prefer!

You will need

  • 2 earl grey tea bags (or 2 scoops of tea leaves) - more if you prefer.
  • 1/2 tsp. dried lavender
  • 1/2 cup (4 oz.) steamed milk - full fat, low fat, non fat, your choice.
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbsp. granulated sugar - optional depending on how sweet you want your tea.


Add boiling water to your tea bags, and add the lavender. Leave your tea to brew for 3 minutes. Once brewed, remove your tea bags/ strain your tea, and strain out the lavender.

Froth your milk with an espresso machine, and if you don't have one of those, learn how to froth milk at home here. Now it's time to add your milk to the tea, and if you like your tea latte a little sweeter, add a drop of vanilla extract, or a teaspoon of sugar. Enjoy!

Chai Tea Latte

This tea latte uses chai, a light spice and tasty flavor used frequently with tea in India. This is a perfect drink to warm up with and get cosy on cooler evenings. It also has many beneficial properties.

You will need

  • 2 individual black tea bags
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of nondairy creamer - French vanilla is best

This will make 2 servings, halve for a single cup.


Add the two teabags, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice to your coffeemaker or cafetière. If you don't have either of these, a saucepan will do (you will need a strainer at the end). Add the water and brew for 3 minutes.

In a saucepan (separate if you are using one for the tea), combine the sugar, milk and creamer and stir over a low heat until they are completely heated through.

Filter/strain your tea and pour into your mugs. Add the hot milk mixture on top and add a sprinkle of extra cinnamon on top for show - a delicious tea latte!

The Best Herbal Tea Latte Recipes - Chai Tea Latte

Matcha Green Tea Latte

This recipe uses matcha green tea powder, an increasingly popular alternative to tea leaves. This green tea latte is not only wonderfully relaxing but highly beneficial.

You will need

  • 1 tsp matcha green tea powder
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar - more or less as preferred.
  • 3 tbsp hot water
  • 300ml steamed milk


Add the matcha green tea powder and your desired amount of sugar into a mug or cup. Add the hot water and stir until it paste-like and lump free.

Warm the milk using a saucepan, microwave or espresso machine.

Add the milk a little at a time to the paste, stirring as your pour until the latte is a pale green. Add an extra sprinkle of matcha tea powder for show!

The Best Herbal Tea Latte Recipes - Matcha Green Tea Latte

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1 comment
this article was supposedly about *Herbal* tea lattes, yet all 3 are non-herbal and made with actual tea. I was looking for some good non-caffienated latte ideas and this was useless. You even link to another article on the site explaining the difference between tea and herbal tea, so you obviously know the difference. I'm really confused.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Elan,

Teas like Matcha and Chai are considered herbal teas. While many types do have caffeine in them, their effect is quite minimal, especially when compared to coffee. A lot of chai also comes in non-caffeinated form, so you can use this. If you want to use an always caffeine free tea, try the chai latte with chamomile.
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The Best Herbal Tea Latte Recipes