Soy milk

How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: October 5, 2017
How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home

Soy yogurt is an alternative to classic yoghurt that is great for people with a lactose intolerance or allergy or for people who want to follow a healthy and natural diet. For vegans and vegetarians, soy is one of the best meat and animal milk substitutes as it has a high content of vegetable protein and is rich in essential amino acids and calcium. Today we find this type of yogurt in almost all supermarkets in lots of different flavors, but if we make it at home we can make sure that all the ingredients are natural and we can give it a more intense flavor. If you want to know how to make soy yogurt at home, read this OneHowTo article and find out how.

low difficulty


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Steps to follow:


Making homemade soy yogurt is very simple, you just need a litre of soy milk and one 100% plant-based natural soy yogurt (it is recommended that the yogurts are home made, but if it is the first time you are doing it you can buy it). You will also need airtight glass jars to store the yogurts and an insulated container such as a cool bag to store them. Remember to sterilize them beforehand.

How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home - Step 1

When you have everything, take a pot large enough to hold a litre, pour in the milk and heat it over a medium heat. It is very important that the milk does not boil, since it could kill the enzymes that allow it to set with the yoghurt later. The ideal temperature is about 50°C (122°F), but if you do not have a thermometer to measure it, the best way to know if it is ready or not is to do the finger test, putting your finger in and checking whether or not it burns. If you can hold your finger in for 5 seconds without getting burned, remove it from the heat.


How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home - Step 2

Now, with the milk off the heat, add the soy yogurt and stir it all with a hand whisk or plastic spoon. It is important that the tool you use to mix the milk with yogurt is non-metallic as it could affect the fermentation. You will see that the mixture is a little runny, do not worry as this is normal.

How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home - Step 3

Take your previously sterilized glass jars and, using a funnel, pour soy yogurt in them. Cover them and set them aside for a moment. Now, heat up some water and fill another jar with it, do not forget to cover it. We do this instead of using a yoghurt maker. Place all the jars, the ones with yogurt and the one with water, in the insulated container, close it and let it stand for 10 hours or so.

How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home - Step 4

After 10 hours, take the soy yogurt out of the insulated container and check that its texture and consistency are good. If it needs longer, leave it for a couple more hours, if it is ready, keep them in the refrigerator and eat them anytime. As they are home-made products, they won't last as long as mass produced ones and will expire after a week.

How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home - Step 5

And now your homemade soy yogurts are ready to eat! As you can see, preparing them is very easy and the result is spectacular. If you want, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon on top, add strawberry jam , a little honey, or whatever topping you like, or just eat it as it is.

How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home - Step 6

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How To Make Soy Yogurt At Home