Other wheat, flour and cereals

Crops Grown In Rabi Season

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 16, 2017
Crops Grown In Rabi Season

Rabi crops are agricultural crops that are sown in the winter and harvested in spring. In the Indian subcontinent, crops that are harvested in the spring season are termed as winter crops or spring harvest. Rabi crops grow between mid November to the month of April. Major Rabi crop grown in India is wheat, followed by sesame, peas, mustard and barley. OneHowTo.com is going to give you an idea about the major crops grown in Rabi season.

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  1. Wheat
  2. Maize
  3. Sesame
  4. Mustard
  5. Peas
  6. Barley


Wheat is an important Rabi crop, which serves as a staple food in most of north and north-western India. It needs low temperature for growth, with ideal temperature between 10 and 15°C during sowing and 21 to 26°C during harvesting. Wheat can thrive well in 75 to 100cm of rainfall. Clayey soil and well-drained loamy soil are the most suitable soils for wheat cultivation. Top three wheat producing states are Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Learn how to add wheat germ to your diet on OneHowTo.com.

Crops Grown In Rabi Season - Wheat


Maize is a major cereal of India, used both as fuel and food. Its grain is used as food and for obtaining glucose and starch, and its stalk is used to feed cattle. In the Tamil Nadu state of India, it is cultivated as a rabi crop, sown before winter rains. 50 to 100 cm of rainfall is required for its growth. Areas with lesser rainfall need it to be irrigated. It cannot tolerate frost. Red loams free of coarse materials, rich in nitrogen and well-drained alluvial soils are suitable for maize.

Crops Grown In Rabi Season - Maize


This is a drought tolerant crop, probably due to its extensive system of roots. However, adequate moisture is required for its early growth and germination. High yielding crops grow best in fertile, well-drained soils of neutral pH and medium texture. This crop has low tolerance to wind, water-logged and high salt conditions.

Crops Grown In Rabi Season - Sesame


Mustard is used as an important herb in many Indian regional foods. Mustard seeds germinate in 3 to 10 days, if given proper conditions including moist soil and cold atmosphere. Mustard grows good in temperate climates. Mustard is a rich source of protein and oil, and its oil is extensively used in India for cooking.

Crops Grown In Rabi Season - Mustard


Peas are small spherical seeds, with each pod containing several peas. Peas are botanical fruits, as they have seeds and develop from the ovary of pea flowers. It is an annual plant with one year of life cycle. It is one of the cool season crops, usually planted from winter to the early summer, depending upon the location.

Crops Grown In Rabi Season - Peas


Barley is an easily adaptable crop, grown as a summer crop in temperate parts of India. It germinates in 1 to 3 days, and it grows well under cool conditions. Barley has more tolerance to salty soil, and is also tolerant to drought. Barley has a very short growing season, and is widely used for making stews, soups and breads.

Crops Grown In Rabi Season - Barley

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Crops Grown In Rabi Season