Recipes for kids

How to Make Afternoon Snacks for Kids

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: October 16, 2020
How to Make Afternoon Snacks for Kids

Children's diets are one of the things that most concern parents today. For children, presentation and taste are essential in enjoying food. If you want to know how to prepare healthy snacks for your kids then keep reading this article. We want to steer clear of feeding our kids sugary and fatty foods as afternoon snacks and instead replace these with healthier food options that give them the essential nutrients for them to carry out their daily activities. In we help you improve the nutrition of your kids with some useful tips!

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Steps to follow:


Time matters. An afternoon snack is the nutritional content needed by children during the period between lunch and dinner. Children need a uniform distribution of energy and nutrients in relation to the activities they perform daily, avoiding these from dilating in an excess of time.

Having a mid-afternoon snack is important to prevent blood glucose levels from falling, forcing the body to replenish these itself and then causing an overexertion of the body. The snack should represent 15 percent of the daily total energy intake.

The afternoon snack is necessary for the child to start extracurricular activities with energy, activities that general done after this time.


What foods are best as an afternoon snack? If you want to know how to make afternoon snacks for kids you must take into account the most recommended foods as well those which work best for them at this time.

First, something that should not be missing are cereals. These provide the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of their muscles and brain, enabling them to cope with the activities with the energy they need.

One cereal based food is bread, with which you use can make sandwiches with cold cuts that your child likes, some vegetables or with tuna or cocoa, etc. It is always important to vary the products and adapt these to the needs of the child.

Another food containing cereals are biscuits. There are many varieties, but always choose those that contain least preservatives, colourants and coatings with excess sugar. It is an excellent idea to occasionally make homemade biscuits which your children can help make, as these are much healthier. You can make a considerable amount and then store them in an airtight container for future occasions. Remember to avoid excess butter and sugar when making them.

Breakfast cereals, usually consumed with milk, are one of the most complete products that can also offer your children at this time. There are many types on the market and for sure your kids will love them. Try to avoid those containing excess sugar.

Celiac children can now enjoy products adapted to their needs, there products are increasingly available in supermarkets. If you find them too expensive you can make homemade gluten-free bread or biscuits that do not carry ingredients which are harmful to them, so you can make sure that these are safe to eat. Bread, for example, can be frozen and thawed out when you need to make a sandwich.

How to Make Afternoon Snacks for Kids - Step 2

Another element essential for a good snack are milk products. They are a source of protein and calcium that provide the nutritional support necessary for growth, so they are important at this age.

Among dairy products milk is one of the most important. It can be taken alone or with soluble cocoa, which children generally love and gives them some extra energy. You can also find varieties of milk with added calcium, vitamins, enriched with cereals, cocoa, etc.

Yoghurt are also a great alternative. In addition to calcium, yoghurt helps maintain the intestinal bacterial flora and strengthens the immune system, which protects them from infections. Both plain and the fruit varieties are ideal as a healthy and balanced afternoon snack.

Cheese is another food with high levels of calcium that can be served in a sandwich or alone and tends to be liked a lot by children. All varieties are healthy, but like most fats these should be eaten in moderation.

How to Make Afternoon Snacks for Kids - Step 3

Finally, another food necessary for a healthy afternoon snack for children is fruit. A piece of fruit should not be missing to ensure the child can replenish the correct amount of vitamins, fibre and water needed.

All fruits are healthy and seasonal ones are the best because they contain all the nutrients with fewer chemicals which are needed to grow them when out of season.

Usually, those that can be eaten with skin should be eaten like so, simply wash thoroughly with water. Fruit juices are high in iron and are a good alternative, but if they are store-bought just check the packaging as they generally have a lot of sugar. Juices or natural smoothies are great to combat thirst. You can mix milk, cereals, different fruits, cocoa... Let your imagination go!

How to Make Afternoon Snacks for Kids - Step 4

If we mix all these elements (cereals, dairy and fruit products) as a snack we will for sure make afternoon snacks for kids that are healthy and natural, indispensable to recharge their energy and vitality and which will help them deal with what is left of the day in the best way possible

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How to Make Afternoon Snacks for Kids