Coconut water

How to Make Coconut Water at Home

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: July 3, 2024
How to Make Coconut Water at Home

Coconut water, the clear liquid found inside young coconuts, is a natural source of electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. These minerals help maintain hydration, especially after exercise, sweating or simply during the warmest days of the year. Not only that, but studies suggest coconut water may help regulate blood sugar levels and even has some antimicrobial properties that might help fight bacteria and viruses.

This oneHOWTO article will show you how to make coconut water at home, so you can enjoy all the benefits this refreshing fruit has to offer.

low difficulty


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Steps to follow:


Opening a coconut might seem intimidating, but the process is actually quite simple with the right tools. There are specially designed coconut openers on the market that easily and safely pierce the soft "eyes" of the coconut. If you plan to open coconuts frequently, perhaps you could consider investing in a coconut opener.

If you don't have a coconut opener, a corkscrew can be used as an alternative. Carefully puncture one of the "eyes" with the corkscrew, ensuring it is strong enough to pierce through the tough husk. Be cautious not to break the corkscrew during this process.

Another classic method involves using a hammer and a clean screwdriver. Locate the three small holes, called "eyes," at one end of the coconut. Place the tip of the screwdriver against one of the eyes and gently tap it with a hammer to create a small hole.

Once you have created a hole using any of these methods, tilt the coconut over a glass to drain out the natural coconut water.

Straining the coconut water isn't always necessary, but if you prefer a smoother consistency, use a fine-mesh strainer to remove any stray coconut pieces.

Want to harness the full potential of coconut? Our other article explores the surprising health benefits this tropical wonder offers beyond just refreshing hydration.


While the coconut water is refreshing, the white flesh inside offers a delightful chewy texture and a nutty flavor. To access this tasty treat, we'll need to crack open the coconut itself.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can use a hammer. Find a clean, flat surface and carefully tap the coconut around its middle. Rotate the coconut as you hit it, listening for cracks to form. Once you see a visible split, stop hammering and use a sturdy knife to pry the coconut halves apart.

For a more controlled approach, check out this helpful article on alternative methods for opening a coconut easily.

How to Make Coconut Water at Home - Step 2

Once you have your coconut meat, grab a grater and shred it into fine pieces. In your blender, combine the fresh coconut water with the grated coconut.

Add a pinch of cinnamon for a warm touch. For sweetness, you can add two tablespoons of white sugar. Tip: Feel free to skip the sugar altogether if you prefer a naturally sweet and healthy drink.

With all the ingredients in the blender, give it a good blend at medium speed for a few seconds, until everything is well combined. If you prefer a smoother texture, you can strain the blended mixture through a fine-mesh sieve after blending.

Our other article unlocks the creamy side of coconut, guiding you through the simple steps to create a delicious and healthy coconut milk yogurt.


Almost there! Now let's add some creamy texture and extra refreshment. Pour in a splash of evaporated milk. Keep in mind that you want the drink to be light and refreshing, not too thick. For reference, a splash is usually around 1-2 tablespoons. Top it off with some chilled mineral water. This will add volume and keep the drink light and perfect for a hot day.

With all the ingredients in the blender, give it another quick blend at medium speed until everything is well combined.

In our other article, we delve into the world of coconut oil, showcasing its incredible versatility.

How to Make Coconut Water at Home - Step 4

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Coconut Water at Home, we recommend you visit our Food & drink category.

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What did you think of this recipe?
1 comment
it seems to be a lot of work to open and get at the coconut meat.
Probably better to buy a bag of it chopped up.
Not hard at all I slammed th coconut on the floor in a plastic bag and the shell broke I used a knife to separate the shell from the skin it was really easy
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How to Make Coconut Water at Home