American potato salad

How to Make Potato Salad with Mustard

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Make Potato Salad with Mustard

Learning how to make a potato salad with mustard is a life saviour if you do not want to spend hours in the kitchen but you want to eat a delicious dish. Potato salad with mustard is the perfect option for those days when we want a quick and easy recipe that is also rich and flavourful. There are many possible versions so you can add whatever ingredients you like best. However, we think mustard works very well in a potato salad. At oneHOWTO we give our version of potato salad with mustard, a fresh and quick option that is sure to please everyone. Discover how to make a potato salad with mustard.

4 diners Between 15 & 30 minutes low difficulty


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Steps to follow:


Potato salad with mustard is a really simple recipe which can include a lot of different ingredients. The combination that we offer here at oneHOWTO is the classic presentation, but you can add other ingredients like cooked carrots, diced ham or shredded turkey or chicken, so you can offer a more complete dish, perfect for summer days where you do not want to cook.


So, let's start our how to make a potato salad with mustard tutorial. To begin, fill a pot with water, add salt, a drizzle of olive oil and put it on high heat. Wash and peel the potatoes and chop them in half so they cook faster, once the water begins to boil add the potatoes and leave to cook. You can monitor the cooking process by carefully sticking a fork in them, when soft remove them from the heat, strain and leave to cool.

How to Make Potato Salad with Mustard - Step 2

In a smaller pan put water to heat, add salt and bring to the boil. Once boiling starts add the two eggs and leave to cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and immerse them in cold water, wait until they have cooled down a bit to start peeling. You can skip this process if you want to make potato salad without eggs.


While the star ingredients of your potato salad with mustard are cooling, dice into a small size the onion and celery and put aside. In a bowl mix the mayonnaise, cream or sour cream, mustard and salt and pepper to taste. If, for whatever reason, you want to make the dish vegan, you can try our vegan mayonnaise. Stir well and test your salad dressing, retouch adding more seasoning if necessary.

Some people prefer this salad with more mustard or a greater quantity of cream, so prepare the dressing according to your taste incorporating more of the ingredients of your choice.

How to Make Potato Salad with Mustard - Step 4

Once the potatoes have cooled diced them and the egg, add these ingredients along with the onion and celery in a salad bowl and add the dressing. Then carefully mix by folding the ingredients together. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

For another easy to make and delicious snack, find out how to make pumpkin crisps.

And that is it! Following these simple steps you learn how to make a potato salad with mustard, perfect for eating alone or as a side to meat and fish.

How to Make Potato Salad with Mustard - Step 5

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How to Make Potato Salad with Mustard