
How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight

How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight

Oats are a true nutritional powerhouse, packed with fiber and protein to keep you energized throughout the day. They offer potential benefits for weight management, cholesterol control, and overall body regulation. The best thing about oats is their versatility. You can bake with them, enjoy them with milk for a filling breakfast, or even transform them into a simple, two-ingredient drink, oatmeal water. This healthy beverage is a fantastic option for those seeking a simple way to incorporate oats into their diet.

In the following oneHOWTO article, we show you how to easily make oatmeal water at home and explore some of its exciting possibilities for a healthier you.

You'll need:

  • 3l de water
  • 1 cup rolled oats
You may also be interested in: How To Make Oatmeal Pancakes From Scratch

Steps to follow:


Is oatmeal water good for losing weight?

There is no doubt that incorporating oatmeal water into your morning routine can be a healthy and refreshing way to start your day. You can enjoy a glass on an empty stomach or sip it throughout the day.

Oatmeal water is rich in fiber, which promotes feelings of fullness and can support weight management when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Fiber takes longer to digest, keeping you satisfied for longer and potentially reducing cravings. This extended feeling of fullness may lead to consuming fewer calories overall, aiding in weight loss efforts.

Additionally, oatmeal water is relatively low in calories compared to sugary drinks or juices, making it a smart choice for managing calorie intake. Some believe that oatmeal water can help regulate blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar can help control hunger pangs and cravings, further supporting weight management.

In the following sections, we'll show you how to easily make your own at home to support your weight management goals.


To create oatmeal water and reap its health benefits, you'll need just one cup of rolled oats and three liters of water. For extra sweetness, you can add a touch of your favorite sweetener when it's ready to drink. Cinnamon sticks are also a great optional addition to enhance the aroma.

Curious if you can skip the cooking and eat oatmeal raw? We explore this in another article.

How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight - Step 2

Before creating your oatmeal water, let's pre-soak the oats.

Grab a cup of rolled oats and a small amount of water. You only need enough water to submerge the oats completely.

Give it a quick stir. Mix the oats and water together gently. Then set it aside. Let the oats soak in the water for a few minutes while you prepare the rest of the ingredients

How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight - Step 3

Once the oats have soaked for a few minutes, follow these steps:

  1. Grab a pot or saucepan and pour in the remaining water.

  2. Add the pre-soaked oats to the pot.

  3. (Optional) If you'd like to add some cinnamon flavor, toss in one or two cinnamon sticks before bringing the water to a boil.

  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.

  5. Once boiling, remove the pot from the heat and let it simmer for five minutes.

Be sure to read this other article, where we explore all the health benefits of oatmeal.

How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight - Step 4

After simmering, here's how to finish your oatmeal water:

  1. Let it cool slightly. You want it to be cool enough to handle comfortably before straining. Aim for around 5-10 minutes.

  2. Strain the oatmeal water. For a smooth consistency, use a fine-mesh strainer. This will remove the oat solids, leaving behind the flavorful liquid.

  3. Store in the fridge. Pour your oatmeal water into a clean, airtight container and refrigerate it for up to 3 days.

You can discard the leftover oat solids or use them in other recipes like baking. Here are some ideas:

How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight - Step 6

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight, we recommend you visit our Food & drink category.


  • The oat water will last up to a week, so take it within this time period.
  • Combine with a healthy diet and exercise if you want this to be totally effective to lose weight.
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What did you think of this article?
Charles E Harris
can you use steel cut oatmeal, for oatmeal water .
Jane Bertin (oneHOWTO editor)
Steel cut oats are a bit tougher and chewier and take more time to cook, so ideally rolled oats are better to make oatmeal water. If you try it, though, please tell us the results!
OneHowTo Editor
As it says in the article, you should drink one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon and should be combined with exercise and a healthy diet. Here are some articles that might be useful for you if you want to lose weight:
Carolyn Harris
What type of oatmeal should I use?
OneHowTo Editor
To make this recipe you need rolled oats (see "You'll need" section). Hope this helps!
Norma Roman
I been drinking it for 2 weeks now I luv it but I have noticed I been very gassy an my stomach hurts a bit is these normal
Alice T Breeze (oneHOWTO editor)
Are you taking it with milk too? Milk can produce gases, but your stomach shouldn't hurt. Try reducing to one cup a day. Another possibility is that you are intolerant. You should consult a doctor if the problem persists. Hope this is helpful
Expert Learner
Norma, that is normal for some people. You have to soak it 24 hours at room temperature or sprout it. Google it, you will fell so better.
Are you supposed to refrigerate it while it's still warm
OneHowTo Editor
You should always let food cool down slightly before putting it in the fridge, as the contrast in temperature can affect the food.
If you don't have cinnamon sticks how much cinnamon do you add ?
If you don't have cinnamon sticks can you use the ground cinnamon
After the whole process do you refrigarate the rest for the week??? Do you drink it 2x a day or can you drink during the entire day??
Michael Riley (oneHOWTO editor)
Hi Judith, Thanks for your question, we recommend that you only drink a glass of oat water morning on an empty stomach, and another in the afternoon. The oat water will last up to a week, so take it within this time period. I hope this helps!
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How to Make Oatmeal Water to Lose Weight