
How to Make White Chocolate Fondant

Alice T Breeze
By Alice T Breeze, Journalist. Updated: December 8, 2024
How to Make White Chocolate Fondant

Fondant is a sugar paste that can be used to create any shape, decorate cupcakes, cookies and to cover cakes. We can prepare the classic recipe for white fondant with marshmallows or risk a little bit more and try to add some flavour so it's not so rich. In this OneHowto article we'd like to show you how to make white chocolate fondant in a slightly different way, this time we won't use marshmallows so the taste of chocolate is more intense. Keep on reading to find out the steps to prepare your white chocolate fondant.

low difficulty


You may also be interested in: How to Make Chocolate Fondant From Scratch

Steps to follow:


White chocolate can be solid or powdered, but it's preferable to have it solid. Glucose must be liquid, as the powdered format doesn't dissolve as easily in water or has the thickness we need to make the fondant. If you don't have glucose, then you can use white marshmallows (the same quantity in grams).


First of all, we'll melt the white chocolate in a double boiler. If you go for the powdered option, you must follow the next step.

How to Make White Chocolate Fondant - Step 2

In another bowl, mix the icing sugar with the glucose and water. It's important for the water to be lukewarm or even a bit hot so that the ingredients mix better. If you are using powdered white chocolate, you should add it once the other ingredients are well mixed.

How to Make White Chocolate Fondant - Step 3

When all the ingredients are dissolved, add the water mix, glucose and water to the white chocolate. You should stir everything until we get a solid dough, compact and that doesn't stick to your hands or bowl. We recommend you start the mix with a spatula or spoon and continue with your hands. Sprinkle some icing sugar in your hands to knead better.

How to Make White Chocolate Fondant - Step 4

You'll see the result is a creamy colored dough, ideal to dye if you want to make colored white chocolate fondant. Use liquid food coloring and add one or two drops to the dough. Dying the fondant in this state isn't easy, so it will take a couple of minutes to get all of the dough to get the color you want. A more simple option is to add coloring when the chocolate is melted.

How to Make White Chocolate Fondant - Step 5

When your fondant dough is ready, let it rest for some minutes and wrap it in cling film. You should do it so no air can go in, to avoid it going hard. Then, leave it for a whole day to rest and settle. After 24 hours, you can use your white chocolate fondant to decorate whatever you want!

How to Make White Chocolate Fondant - Step 6

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make White Chocolate Fondant, we recommend you visit our Recipes category.

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What did you think of this recipe?
Queen Mummy
Can I substitute corn syrup for liquid glucose
My fondant is still sticky. What can I do?
Marna Schoeman
Above recipe cover what size cake. Urgent Please. Immediate response will be appreciated. Thank You
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Marna,

This should be enough fondant to cover a standard 9" cake pan size. If you need to make it a little larger you can roll it a little thinner, just be careful when setting it atop the cake.
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How to Make White Chocolate Fondant